
That’s what FAIR SQUARED stands for
FAIR SQUARED is a limited company registered in Cologne, Germany. The company is family owned with no other companies or investors directly or indirectly involved. Our headquarters and warehouse are located on 700 m² rented space in Cologne Marsdorf. Additional warehouse capacity is available through logistics providers if and when needed.
Transparency, high social, and environmental standards
Our business principles are rooted in transparency, social and environmental acceptability, animal welfare and solidarity with those who struggle due to social inequalities, often in countries around the equator. That the steps we take appear absolutely transparent to all, we have begun to team up with internationally renowned label partners right from the beginning. They audit our work processes and supply chains on a regular basis.
Equal partners, longterm contracts
FAIR SQUARED production partners are financially independent from FAIR SQUARED Ltd. We negotiate on an equal footing, we treat our partners with respect and communicate in an honest, fair manner. As a result we are able to enter long term contracts which enable more economic justice in international trade.
Own formulas and high creative output
We own the formulations for our products. Every six months FAIR SQUARED develops between five and eight new products which are launched in February and September of any given year. The FAIR SQUARED trademark has been registered in many countries world wide.